Here are the final match results

Overall match results

Results by category

Please note, that in some divisions in the above result files the senior and super senior, and junior and super junior categories are merged. This is due to the IPSC requirement for 5 competitors in a category, for official recognition.

Super Senior results

Check your verification and the preliminary stage results for stages 1-16. Any disputes must be brough to Stats before 16:40 on Sunday.

The following competitors have been selected for the Zero Mike Shootoff. Please let Andreas in the Zero Mike tent know if you can participate:

  1. Kurt  Jensen
  2. Morten  Andersen
  3. Anders Johansen
  4. Henrik Laursen
  5. Jan Bodé
  6. Henrik Berker
  7. Carsten Husmann
  8. Morten M. R. Jensen
  9. Kristina Agerbæk
  10. Kim Frederiksen
  11. Sune Jeppesen
  12. Michael Low


  1. Gert Hougaard
  2. Jens  Sørensen
  3. Arni Kjartansson
  4. Sissal Skaale
  5. Jørgen Rigtrup

The scoring for stage 1-8 will be declared final at 12:00. If there are any issues, bring them to stats before noon.


The stage results and verification for stages 1-8 is now online.

Stage 1-8 results (v2)